Variables in PHYSLITE Data Format for Proton-Proton Collisions

List of Containers:
AnalysisElectrons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
ambiguityLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Egamma_v1> > > Links Photon<-> Electron when ambiguous
ambiguityType vector<unsigned char> Ambiguity (almost surely electron 0 or photon 7/6 (>= rel22/rel21) or ambiguous 1-6/5, (>= rel22/rel21)
author vector<unsigned short> Electron, Photon, Ambiguous, Forward Electron
caloClusterLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > > > Photon/electron -> Cluster
charge vector<float> Electron charge from best track match (+/- 1)
DFCommonElectronsECIDS vector<char> Charge selection (to reject wrong charge assignment)
DFCommonElectronsECIDSResult vector<double> BDT (Boosted Decision Tree) score for the charge selection
DFCommonElectronsLHLoose vector<char> Likelihood identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHLooseBL vector<char> Likelihood identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHLooseBLIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHLooseIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHMedium vector<char> Likelihood identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHMediumIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHTight vector<char> Likelihood identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHTightIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHVeryLoose vector<char> Likelihood identification decision
DFCommonElectronsLHVeryLooseIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
eta vector<float> Electron kinematics
firstEgMotherPdgId vector<int> Reco -> truth: first mother PDG identification
firstEgMotherTruthOrigin vector<int> Classification of origin from MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) for first mother
firstEgMotherTruthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from electron to "first" truth parent
firstEgMotherTruthType vector<int> Classification of type from MCTC for first mother
m vector<float> Electron mass (0.511 MeV)
neflowisol20 vector<float> Isolation computed as the sum of pT of neutral flow elements within cone of radius 0.2
OQ vector<unsigned int> Cluster quality
phi vector<float> Electron kinematics
pt vector<float> Electron kinematics
ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000 vector<float> Electron fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation
ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt500 vector<float> Electron fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation
ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000 vector<float> Electron variable-radius track-based isolation
ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt500 vector<float> Electron variable-radius track-based isolation
topoetcone20 vector<float> Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.2
trackParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > Electron -> track particle
TruthLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from electron to corresponding truth object
truthOrigin vector<int> MCTC origin of matched truth particle
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from electron to corresponding truth object
truthPdgId vector<int> Reco -> truth PDG identification
truthType vector<int> Truth isolation (cone radius 0.2)
AnalysisJets [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
ActiveArea4vec_eta vector<float> Eta of the four-vector area from ghosts
ActiveArea4vec_m vector<float> Mass of the four-vector area from ghosts
ActiveArea4vec_phi vector<float> Phi of the four-vector area from ghosts
ActiveArea4vec_pt vector<float> pT of the four-vector area from ghosts
btaggingLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::BTagging_v1> > > Links from jets to b-tagging variables
ConeTruthLabelID vector<int> Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group
DetectorEta vector<float> Eta of small-R jet as measured in the detector
DFCommonJets_fJvt vector<float> Forward JVT (Jet Vertex Tagger) score, approaching 0 (large values) for hard-scatter (pile-up) jets
DFCommonJets_QGTagger_NTracks vector<int> Number of tracks (input to quark-gluon tagger)
DFCommonJets_QGTagger_TracksC1 vector<float> C1 (energy moment) of tracks associated to jet (input to quark-gluon tagger)
DFCommonJets_QGTagger_TracksWidth vector<float> Width (radial moment) of tracks associated to jet (input to quark-gluon tagger)
EMFrac vector<float> Fraction of jet energy in the Electromagnetic calorimeter
EnergyPerSampling vector<vector<float> > Energy deposited in calo sampling layer
eta vector<float> Small radius jet eta
GhostMuonSegmentCount vector<int> Number of ghost-associated muon segments
GhostTrack vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link from jets to ghost-associated tracks
HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID vector<int> Extended truth label (additional states, e.g. BB, allowed) used by flavour tagging group
HadronConeExclTruthLabelID vector<int> Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group
JetConstitScaleMomentum_eta vector<float> Small-R jet eta at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_m vector<float> Small-R jet mass at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_phi vector<float> Small-R jet phi at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_pt vector<float> Small-R jet transverse momentum at the constituent scale
JVFCorr vector<float> Jet vertex fraction correction factor
m vector<float> Small radius jet mass
NNJvtPass vector<char> Flag indicating whether jet passes NNJvt
NumTrkPt1000 vector<vector<int> > Number of ghost associated tracks with pT > 1.0 GeV using ID group loose track selection. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)
NumTrkPt500 vector<vector<int> > Number of ghost associated tracks with pT > 0.5 GeV using ID group loose track selection. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)
PartonTruthLabelID vector<int> PDG (Particle Data Group) identification of the highest-energy ghost-associated parton
phi vector<float> Small radius jet phi
PSFrac vector<float> Fraction of the jet energy in the presampler
pt vector<float> Small radius jet transverse momentum
SumPtChargedPFOPt500 vector<vector<float> > Sum of pT of charged PFOs (Particle Flow Objects) with pT > 0.5 GeV. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)
SumPtTrkPt500 vector<vector<float> > Sum of pT of ghost associated tracks with pT > 0.5 GeV using ID group loose track selection.The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primart vertex)
Timing vector<float> Cell cluster timing from calorimeter information
TrackWidthPt1000 vector<vector<float> > Width (radial moment) of the jet based on associated tracks with pT > 1 GeV. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)
Width vector<float> Width defined as sum( DeltaR(jet,constit ) * pT(constit) ) / sum( pT(constit) )
AnalysisLargeRJets [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
C2 vector<float> Ratio of energy correlation functions
constituentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link from large-radius jets to constituents (e.g. UFOs)
D2 vector<float> Ratio of energy correlation functions
DetectorEta vector<float> Eta of large radius jet as measured in the detector
ECF1 vector<float> Energy correlation functions
ECF2 vector<float> Energy correlation functions
ECF3 vector<float> Energy correlation functions
eta vector<float> Large radius jet eta
JetConstitScaleMomentum_eta vector<float> Large radius jet eta at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_m vector<float> Large radius jet mass at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_phi vector<float> Large radius jet phi at the constituent scale
JetConstitScaleMomentum_pt vector<float> Large radius jet transverse momentum at the constituent scale
m vector<float> Large radius jet mass
phi vector<float> Large radius jet phi
pt vector<float> Large radius jet transverse momentum
Qw vector<float> Qw (minimum pair-wise invariant mass) observable for top jet tagging
Split12 vector<float> Kt distance between subjets during merging
Split23 vector<float> Kt distance between subjets during merging
Tau1_wta vector<float> Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme
Tau2_wta vector<float> Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme
Tau3_wta vector<float> Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme
AnalysisMuons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
allAuthors vector<unsigned short> Bitmask of algorithm authors of muon
author vector<unsigned short> Primary algorithm author of muon
CaloMuonIDTag vector<int> Result of the CaloMuonTag algorithm
CaloMuonScore vector<float> Score resulting from the CaloMuonScore algorithm
charge vector<float> Charge of muon
combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
combinedTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding combined Inner Detector+Muon Spectrometer track
cscUnspoiledEtaHits vector<unsigned char> Number of unspoiled CSC hits in the eta plane
EnergyLoss vector<float> Energy loss in calorimeters
energyLossType vector<unsigned char> Type of energy loss (measured, parametric,...)
eta vector<float> Muon kinematics
extendedLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
extendedSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
extendedSmallHoles vector<unsigned char> Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
extrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding extrapolated Muon Spectrometer track
inDetTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding Inner Detector track
InnerDetectorPt vector<float> pT of Inner Detector track
innerLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
innerSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
isSmallGoodSectors vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
middleLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
middleSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
momentumBalanceSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: significance of Inner Detector-Muon Spectrometer imbalance
MuonSpectrometerPt vector<float> pT of Muon Spectrometer track
muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding Muon Spectrometer track
muonType vector<unsigned short> Reconstruction type (combined, standalone,...)
neflowisol20 vector<float> Isolation computed as the sum of pT of neutral flow elements within cone of radius 0.2
numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers vector<unsigned char> Number of precision stations holes resulting from muon reconstruction
numberOfPrecisionLayers vector<unsigned char> Number of precision stations used for muon reconstruction
outerLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
outerSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
phi vector<float> Muon kinematics
pt vector<float> Muon kinematics
ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association
ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500 vector<float> Track Isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association
ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association
ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500 vector<float> Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association
quality vector<unsigned char> Output quality of muon selection tool
scatteringCurvatureSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: normalized integral of the scattering angle significances, corrected for single kinks along the trajectory that diminish the absolute value of the integral significance
scatteringNeighbourSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: significance of a change in trajectory (kink) along the track
TruthLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth info on origin of muon
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
truthType vector<int> Truth info on type of muon
AnalysisPhotons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
ambiguityLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Egamma_v1> > > Links Photon<-> Electron when ambiguous
author vector<unsigned short> Almost surely a photon or ambiguous with electron
caloClusterLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > > > Photon/electron -> Cluster
DFCommonPhotonsCleaning vector<char> Full cleaning decision (includes timing)
DFCommonPhotonsCleaningNoTime vector<char> Cleaning decision (no requirement on timing)
DFCommonPhotonsIsEMLoose vector<char> Identification decision
DFCommonPhotonsIsEMTight vector<char> Identification decision
DFCommonPhotonsIsEMTightIsEMValue vector<unsigned int> Word to find which cuts did not pass (cut-based)
eta vector<float> Photon kinematics
m vector<float> Photon mass (0)
OQ vector<unsigned int> Cluster quality
phi vector<float> Photon kinematics
pt vector<float> Photon kinematics
ptcone20 vector<float> Photon track isolation
topoetcone20 vector<float> Photon topo isolation within a cone of 0.2
topoetcone20ptCorrection vector<float> Leakage correction for topo isolation, R = 0.2
topoetcone40 vector<float> Photon topo isolation within a cone of 0.4
topoetcone40ptCorrection vector<float> Leakage correction for topo isolation, R = 0.4
TruthLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from photon to corresponding truth object
truthOrigin vector<int> MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) origin of matched truth particle
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from photon to corresponding truth object
truthType vector<int> MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) type of matched truth particle
vertexLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > > > Photon -> vertex
AnalysisTauJets [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
charge vector<float> Charge of the reconstructed taus (integer, but it can be different from +-1)
EleRNNLoose_v1 vector<char> Electron discrimination Loose working point
EleRNNMedium_v1 vector<char> Electron discrimination Medium working point
EleRNNTight_v1 vector<char> Electron discrimination Tight working point
eta vector<float> Reconstructed taus: kinematics
etaFinalCalib vector<float> Reconstructed eta from the final tau calibration
etaTauEnergyScale vector<float> Reconstructed taus at calo level energy scale: kinematics
isTauFlags vector<unsigned int> Set of flags to check if taus has passed some ID/eVeto levels
IsTruthMatched vector<char> Reco to truth tau matching
JetDeepSetLoose vector<char> Deepset jet discrimination Loose working point
JetDeepSetMedium vector<char> Deepset jet discrimination Medium working point
JetDeepSetScore vector<float> MVA score from DeepSet jet discrimination
JetDeepSetScoreTrans vector<float> MVA score from RNN jet discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
JetDeepSetTight vector<char> Deepset jet discrimination Tight working point
JetDeepSetVeryLoose vector<char> Deepset jet discrimination Very Loose working point
m vector<float> Reconstructed taus: kinematics
NNDecayMode vector<int> Identified tau decay mode from NN algorithm (1p0n, 1p1n, 1pXn, 3p0n, 3pxN)
PanTau_DecayMode vector<int> Identified tau decay mode (1p0n, 1p1n, 1pXn, 3p0n, 3pxN)
phi vector<float> Reconstructed taus: kinematics
pt vector<float> Reconstructed taus: kinematics
ptFinalCalib vector<float> Reconstructed pT from the final tau calibration
ptTauEnergyScale vector<float> Reconstructed taus at calo level energy scale: kinematics
RNNEleScore vector<float> MVA score from RNN electron discrimination
RNNEleScoreSigTrans vector<float> buggy version, to be removed, RNNEleScoreSigTrans_v1 is the correct version
RNNEleScoreSigTrans_v1 vector<float> MVA score from RNN electron discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
RNNJetScore vector<float> MVA score from RNN jet discrimination
RNNJetScoreSigTrans vector<float> MVA score from RNN jet discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
tauTrackLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TauTrack_v1> > > > Link from tau to corresponding tracks
truthJetLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Jet_v1> > > Link from tau to corresponding truth jet
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from tau to corresponding truth particles
vertexLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > > Link from tau to corresponding decay vertex
AnalysisTrigMatch [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhloose_L12EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhloose_mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhloose_nod0_mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhloose_nodeta_L12EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhloose_nodphires_L12EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhvloose_L12EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e12_lhvloose_nod0_L12EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e15_lhvloose_L12EM13VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e15_lhvloose_nod0_L12EM13VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e17_lhvloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2g20_loose_g15_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2g20_tight vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2g22_tight vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu10_nomucomb vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu14 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu14_nomucomb vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu20_L12MU20_OVERLAY vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu4_bJpsimumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu4_bUpsimumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu6_10invm30_pt2_z10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu6_bUpsimumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_2mu6_bUpsimumu_delayed vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3g15_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3g20_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3mu4 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3mu4_nomucomb vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3mu6 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_3mu6_msonly vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e100_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e10_lhvloose_L1EM7 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e10_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM7 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e120_lhloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e120_lhloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e120_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e12_lhloose_2mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e12_lhloose_nod0_2mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e12_lhvloose_L1EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e12_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e140_lhloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e140_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e15_lhvloose_L1EM13VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e15_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM7 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhloose_mu14 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhloose_nod0_2e12_lhloose_nod0_L1EM15VH_3EM10VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhloose_nod0_2e9_lhloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhloose_nod0_mu14 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_iloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_nod0_iloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_nod0_ivarloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_nod0_ivarloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo_L1DR-EM15TAU12I-J25 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_nod0_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_nod0_tau80_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhmedium_tau80_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhvloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e17_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e200_etcut vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e20_lhvloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e20_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e22_lhvloose_nod0_e12_lhvloose_nod0_e10_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM20VH_2EM10VH_3EM8VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhmedium_L1EM20VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhmedium_iloose_L1EM20VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhmedium_nod0_iloose_L1EM20VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhmedium_nod0_ivarloose_tau35_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhtight_nod0_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e24_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM18VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_cutd0dphideta_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0_e15_etcut_L1EM7_Zee vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhtight_smooth_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e26_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM20VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e28_lhtight_nod0_L1EM22VHI vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e28_lhvloose_nod0_L1EM20VH vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e300_etcut vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e5_lhvloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e5_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e60_lhmedium vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e60_lhmedium_L1EM24VHI vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e60_lhmedium_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e60_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e60_medium vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e70_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e7_lhmedium_mu24 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e7_lhmedium_nod0_mu24 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_e80_lhvloose_nod0 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_g120_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_g140_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_g200_etcut vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_g300_etcut vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_g35_loose_g25_loose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu10 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu10_bJpsi_Trkloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu11_2mu4noL1_nscan03_L1MU11_2MU6 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu11_L1MU10_2mu4noL1_nscan03_L1MU10_2MU6 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu11_nomucomb_2mu4noL1_nscan03_L1MU11_2MU6 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu11_nomucomb_mu6noL1_nscan03_L1MU11_2MU6_bTau vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu11_nomucomb_mu6noL1_nscan03_L1MU11_2MU6_bTau_delayed vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu13_mu13_idperf_Zmumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_iloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_iloose_tau35_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_ivarloose_L1MU11_tau35_medium1_tracktwo_L1MU11_TAU20IM vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_ivarloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_ivarloose_tau25_medium1_tracktwo_L1DR-MU10TAU12I_TAU12I-J25 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_ivarloose_tau35_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_tau25_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu14_tau35_medium1_tracktwo vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu18 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu18_2mu0noL1_JpsimumuFS vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu18_2mu4_JpsimumuL2 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu18_2mu4noL1 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu18_mu8noL1 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_2mu0noL1_JpsimumuFS vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_2mu4_JpsimumuL2 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_2mu4noL1 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_iloose_L1MU15 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_l2idonly_mu6noL1_nscan03 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_msonly_mu10noL1_msonly_nscan05_noComb vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_msonly_mu15noL1_msonly_nscan05_noComb vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_msonly_mu6noL1_msonly_nscan05 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_mu8noL1 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu20_nomucomb_mu6noL1_nscan03 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu22 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu22_mu8noL1 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu24 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu24_iloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu24_imedium vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu24_ivarloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu24_ivarmedium vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu26_ivarmedium vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu40 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_bJpsi_Trkloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_j15_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_j25_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_j35_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_j55_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu4_mu4_idperf_bJpsimumu_noid vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu50 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu60_0eta105_msonly vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_2mu4 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_bJpsi_Trkloose vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_idperf vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_iloose_mu6_11invm24_noos vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_j110_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_j150_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_j175_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_j85_bperf_split_dr05_dz02 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_mu4_bJpsimumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_mu4_bJpsimumu_delayed vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_mu4_bUpsimumu vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_mu4_bUpsimumu_delayed vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_nomucomb_2mu4_nomucomb_L1MU6_3MU4 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AnalysisTrigMatch_HLT_mu6_nomucomb_2mu4_nomucomb_delayed_L1MU6_3MU4 vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > > Link to the object matched for the given trigger pattern
AntiKt10TruthSoftDropBeta100Zcut10Jets [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
D2 vector<float> D2 (energy correlation function ratio) moment of the large-R jet
Tau1_wta vector<float> 1-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
Tau2_wta vector<float> 2-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
Tau3_wta vector<float> 3-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
ConeTruthLabelID vector<int> Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group
GhostBHadronsFinalCount vector<int> Number of ghost-associated b-hadrons
GhostCHadronsFinalCount vector<int> Number of ghost-associated c-hadrons
HadronConeExclTruthLabelID vector<int> Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group
PartonTruthLabelID vector<int> PDG identification of the highest-energy ghost-associated parton
TrueFlavor vector<int> Attempt to merge Parton and Hadron truth labels into a single variable
BTagging_AntiKt4EMPFlow [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
DL1dv00_pb vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
DL1dv00_pc vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
DL1dv00_pu vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
DL1dv01_pb vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
DL1dv01_pc vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
DL1dv01_pu vector<float> Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
CombinedMuonTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
chiSquared vector<float> Combined muon track: chi square of fit
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrixDiag vector<vector<float> > Combined muon track: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag vector<vector<float> > Combined muon track: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
numberDoF vector<float> Combined muon track: number of degrees of freedom of fit
numberOfPixelDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel dead sensors on the track
numberOfPixelHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel hits
numberOfPixelHoles vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel holes
numberOfSCTDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT dead sensors on the track
numberOfSCTHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT hits
numberOfSCTHoles vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT holes
numberOfTRTHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of TRT hits
numberOfTRTOutliers vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of TRT outliers
phi vector<float> Combined muon track kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Combined muon track kinematics
theta vector<float> Combined muon track kinematics
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth origin associated with Combined muon track
truthType vector<int> Truth type associated with Combined muon track
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
egammaClusters [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
calE vector<float> Cluster kinematics
calEta vector<float> Cluster kinematics
calM vector<float> Cluster kinematics
calPhi vector<float> Cluster kinematics
constituentClusterLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > > > This is egammaCluster to topo clusters
e_sampl vector<vector<float> > Energies in each Electromagnetic calorimeter layers (ATLAS reference frame)
ETA2CALOFRAME vector<float> Eta in the 2nd layer of the calorimeter (calorimeter reference frame)
eta_sampl vector<vector<float> > Eta in each Electromagnetic calorimeter layers (ATLAS reference frame)
ETACALOFRAME vector<float> Eta of cluster in calorimeter frame
PHI2CALOFRAME vector<float> Phi in the 2nd layer of the calorimeter (calorimeter reference frame)
PHICALOFRAME vector<float> Phi of cluster in calorimeter frame
EventInfo [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
actualInteractionsPerCrossing Actual pileup mu (per BCID (Bunch Crosssing Identification))
averageInteractionsPerCrossing Average pileup mu (average over BCIDs in the LB)
bcid Bunch crossing unique identifier
beamPosSigmaX Beam spot width in x
beamPosSigmaXY Beam spot width in xy
beamPosSigmaY Beam spot width in y
beamPosSigmaZ Beam spot width in z
beamPosX Beam spot position in x
beamPosY Beam spot position in y
beamPosZ Beam spot position in z
beamSpotWeight Additional event weight in case multiple beamspot sizes are included in the dataset
beamStatus Beam status (for data, e.g. stable beams)
beamTiltXZ Beam spot tilt (rotation) in xz plane
beamTiltYZ Beam spot tilt (rotation) in yz plane
coreFlags "Core" flags for e.g. data corruption
detDescrTags vector<pair<string,string> > Detector description (i.e. geometry version)
DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceFromFront Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance from the front of a bunch train
DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceTail Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance to the tail of the train
DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrain Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches after the train
DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrainMinus12 Gap after train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrain Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches before the train
DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrainMinus12 Gap before train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
DFCommonJets_BCIDType Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - type of bunch crossing
DFCommonJets_BCIDTypeMinus12 BCID type for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad Event clean flag based on loose jet cleaning
DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBadLLP Event clean flag based on loose LLP jet cleaning
DFCommonJets_isBadBatman Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - flag for special calorimeter region
eventNumber Event number
eventTypeBitmask Type of event (Monte Carlo, data, etc) as bitmask
forwardDetFlags Flags for forward detectors status
GenFiltFatJ Generator filter based on large radius jet momentum
GenFiltHT Truth HT, definition to match generator filter
GenFiltHTinclNu Generator filter based on HT including neutrinos (effective mass proxy)
GenFiltMET Truth MET, definition to match generator filter
GenFiltPTZ Generator filter based on Z boson pT
hardScatterVertexLink ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > Link to the hard-scatter vertex (matrix element vertex)
larFlags Flags for LAr calorimeter detector status
lumiBlock Lumiblock number
lumiFlags Flags for luminosity determination
mcChannelNumber Monte Carlo DSID (channel number)
mcEventNumber Monte Carlo simulation event number
mcEventWeights vector<float> Generator event weight nominal and variations
muonFlags Flags for Muon system detector status
pileUpMixtureIDHighBits Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background
pileUpMixtureIDLowBits Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background
PileupWeight_NOSYS Nominal pileup weight
pixelFlags Flags for Pixel detector status
RandomRunNumber Randomized run number from pileup reweighting
runNumber Run number
sctFlags Flags for SCT detector status
tileFlags Flags for Tile calorimeter detector status
timeStamp Time stamp in ns
timeStampNSOffset Offset for timestamp (in case time stamp becomes very large)
trtFlags Flags for TRT detector status
ExtrapolatedMuonTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrixDiag vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
phi vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
theta vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth origin associated with Extrapolated muon track
truthType vector<int> Truth type associated with Extrapolated muon track
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
GSFConversionVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
minRfirstHit vector<float> Minimum radius of first hit of track(s) from the vertex
neutralParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1> > > > Check as usually legs charged
pt1 vector<float> Transverse momentum of 1st track in conversion vertex
pt2 vector<float> Transverse momentum of 2nd track in conversion vertex
px vector<float> Conversion vertex momentum
py vector<float> Conversion vertex momentum
pz vector<float> Conversion vertex momentum
trackParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > Links to the legs of the conversion
x vector<float> Conversion vertex coordinates
y vector<float> Conversion vertex coordinates
z vector<float> Conversion vertex coordinates
GSFTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
chiSquared vector<float> chi square of fit for GSF (Gaussian Sum Filter) track
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane (5 parameters of helix)
definingParametersCovMatrixDiag vector<vector<float> > Uncertainty of the 5 parameters (diagonal element on covariance matrix)
definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag vector<vector<float> > Uncertainty of the 5 parameters (off-diagonal element on covariance matrix)
numberOfPixelHits vector<unsigned char> Number of Pixel hits associated to GSF track
numberOfSCTHits vector<unsigned char> Number of SCT hits associated to GSF track
originalTrackParticle vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from GSF track to original track particle
phi vector<float> Track kinematics representation (5 parameters of helix)
qOverP vector<float> Track kinematics representation (5 parameters of helix)
theta vector<float> Track kinematics representation (5 parameters of helix)
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the vertex position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane (5 parameters of helix)
HardScatterParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Barcode of particle involved in truth hard scatter
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle origin from MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Decay vertex in hard scatter collection
e vector<float> Energy of particle involved in truth hard scatter
m vector<float> Mass of particle involved in truth hard scatter
pdgId vector<int> PDG identification of particle involved in truth hard scatter
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Production vertex in hard scatter collection
px vector<float> x-momentum of particle involved in truth hard scatter
py vector<float> y-momentum of particle involved in truth hard scatter
pz vector<float> z-momentum of particle involved in truth hard scatter
status vector<int> Status of particle involved in truth hard scatter
HardScatterVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth vertex unique identifier for hard scatter
id vector<int> Truth vertex status (type of vertex)
incomingParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Incoming particles in hard scatter collection
outgoingParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Outgoing particles in hard scatter collection
t vector<float> Truth vertex time for hard scatter
x vector<float> Truth vertex x-position for hard scatter
y vector<float> Truth vertex y-position for hard scatter
z vector<float> Truth vertex z-position for hard scatter
InDetTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
chiSquared vector<float> Track fit quality
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrixDiag vector<vector<float> > Diagonal components of the track covariance matrix
definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag vector<vector<float> > Off-diagonal components of the track covariance matrix
numberDoF vector<float> Track fit quality
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfPixelDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfPixelHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfPixelHoles vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfPixelSharedHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfSCTDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfSCTHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfSCTHoles vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfSCTSharedHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfTRTHits vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
numberOfTRTOutliers vector<unsigned char> Track summary information
phi vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
qOverP vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
theta vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from Inner Detector track to corresponding truth particle
TTVA_AMVFVertices vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > > > Link from Inner Detector tracks to corresponding vertices
TTVA_AMVFWeights vector<vector<float> > Weight of the track used in the fit of the corresponding vertex in TTVA_AMVFVertices during adaptive multi-vertex fitting
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
Kt4EMPFlowEventShape [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
Density Average event density for energy flow / pileup subtraction
MET_Core_AnalysisMET [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
mpx vector<float> Missing transverse energy core soft term x component
mpy vector<float> Missing transverse energy core soft term y component
name vector<string> Missing transverse energy core soft term name
source vector<ULong64_t> Missing transverse energy core soft term source bitmask
sumet vector<float> Missing transverse energy core soft term scalar sum pT
MET_Truth [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
mpx vector<float> Truth missing transverse energy x component
mpy vector<float> Truth missing transverse energy y component
name vector<string> Truth missing transverse energy name
source vector<ULong64_t> Truth missing transverse energy source bitmask
sumet vector<float> Truth missing transverse energy scalar sum pT
MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrixDiag vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
phi vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
theta vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
truthParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
PrimaryVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
neutralParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1> > > > Link from primary vertex to corresponding neutral particles
trackParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > Link from primary vertex to corresponding tracks
vertexType vector<short> Enum defining the type of vertex created in the offline reconstruction
x vector<float> Primary vertex position in x
y vector<float> Primary vertex position in y
z vector<float> Primary vertex position in z
TauTracks [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
eta vector<float> Tracks associated to tau: kinematics
flagSet vector<unsigned short> Encode information about track classification type (charged, isolated, etc)
phi vector<float> Tracks associated to tau: kinematics
pt vector<float> Tracks associated to tau: kinematics
trackLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > Link from tau tracks to Inner Detector tracks
TruthBoson [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth boson barcode (unique identifier)
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Children of truth bosons
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of boson based on new MCTC
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of boson origin from MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of boson outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of boson type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth bosons decay vertex
e vector<float> Truth boson (W/Z/h) energy
m vector<float> Truth boson (W/Z/h) mass
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Parents of truth bosons
pdgId vector<int> Truth boson PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth bosons production vertex
px vector<float> Truth boson (W/Z/h) x-momentum
py vector<float> Truth boson (W/Z/h) y-momentum
pz vector<float> Truth boson (W/Z/h) z-momentum
status vector<int> Truth boson status
TruthBosonsWithDecayParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth boson/child barcode (unique identifier)
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle outcome
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of particle type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Decay vertex in boson decay collection
e vector<float> Truth boson/child energy
m vector<float> Truth boson/child mass
pdgId vector<int> Truth boson/child PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Production vertex in boson decay collection
px vector<float> Truth boson/child x-momentum
py vector<float> Truth boson/child y-momentum
pz vector<float> Truth boson/child z-momentum
status vector<int> Truth boson/child status
TruthBosonsWithDecayVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth vertex unique identifier for boson decays
id vector<int> Truth vertex status (type of vertex)
incomingParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Incoming particles in boson decay collection
outgoingParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Outgoing particles in boson decay collection
t vector<float> Truth vertex time for boson decays
x vector<float> Truth vertex x-position for boson decays
y vector<float> Truth vertex y-position for boson decays
z vector<float> Truth vertex z-position for boson decays
TruthBottom [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Bottom quark barcode (unique identifier)
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Children of truth bottom quarks
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of b-quark based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of b-quark origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of b-quark outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of b-quark type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth bottom decay vertex
e vector<float> Bottom quark (W/Z/h) energy
m vector<float> Bottom quark (W/Z/h) mass
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Parents of truth bottom quarks
pdgId vector<int> Bottom quark PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth bottom production vertex
px vector<float> Bottom quark (W/Z/h) x-momentum
py vector<float> Bottom quark (W/Z/h) y-momentum
pz vector<float> Bottom quark (W/Z/h) z-momentum
status vector<int> Bottom quark status
TruthElectrons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth electron unique identifier
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth electron to truth children
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth electron to decay vertex
dressedPhoton vector<char> Decoration from photon dressing
e vector<float> Truth bare electron energy
e_dressed vector<float> Dressed electron energy
eta_dressed vector<float> Dressed electron eta
etcone20 vector<float> Truth isolation (cone radius 0.2)
m vector<float> Truth bare electron mass (0.511 MeV)
nPhotons_dressed vector<int> Number of added photon
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth electron to truth parents
pdgId vector<int> Truth electron pdg identification (+/- 11)
phi_dressed vector<float> Dressed electron phi
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth electron to production vertex
pt_dressed vector<float> Dressed electron pT
ptcone30 vector<float> Truth track isolation (cone radius 0.3)
px vector<float> Truth bare electron momentum
py vector<float> Truth bare electron momentum
pz vector<float> Truth bare electron momentum
status vector<int> Truth electron status (1)
TruthEvents [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
crossSection vector<float> Truth event cross section (weight)
PDFID1 vector<int> Incoming parton 1 LHAPDF identification
PDFID2 vector<int> Incoming parton 2 LHAPDF Identification
PDGID1 vector<int> Incoming parton 1 PDG identification
PDGID2 vector<int> Incoming parton 2 PDG identification
Q vector<float> Event scale
X1 vector<float> Incoming part 1 momentum fraction
X2 vector<float> Incoming part 2 momentum fraction
XF1 vector<float> Incoming parton 1 PDF value
XF2 vector<float> Incoming parton 2 PDF value
TruthForwardProtons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Forward proton barcode (unique identifier)
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of proton based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of proton origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of proton outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of proton type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Decay vertex for forward protons
e vector<float> Forward proton energy
m vector<float> Forward proton mass
pdgId vector<int> Forward proton PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Production vertex for forward protons
px vector<float> Forward proton x-momentum
py vector<float> Forward proton y-momentum
pz vector<float> Forward proton z-momentum
status vector<int> Forward proton status
TruthMuons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Trut muon barcode
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth muon to truth children
Classification vector<unsigned int> Truth info
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Truth muon Monte Carlo classifier origin
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Truth muon Monte Carlo classifier outcome
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Truth muon Monte Carlo classifier type
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth muon to decay vertex
dressedPhoton vector<char> Decoration from photon dressing
e vector<float> Truth muon kinematics
e_dressed vector<float> Truth muon dressed kinematics
eta_dressed vector<float> Truth muon dressed kinematics
etcone20 vector<float> Truth level isolation in 0.3 cone
m vector<float> Truth muon kinematics
nPhotons_dressed vector<int> Truth muon number of photons used in dressing
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth muon to truth parents
pdgId vector<int> Truth muon PDG identification
phi_dressed vector<float> Truth muon dressed kinematics
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth muon to production vertex
pt_dressed vector<float> Truth muon dressed kinematics
ptcone30 vector<float> Truth level isolation in 0.2 cone
px vector<float> Truth muon kinematics
py vector<float> Truth muon kinematics
pz vector<float> Truth muon kinematics
status vector<int> Truth muon status
TruthNeutrinos [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth neutrino barcode (unique identifier)
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Children of truth neutrinos
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of neutrino based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of neutrino origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of neutrino outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of neutrino type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Decay vertex for truth neutrinos
e vector<float> Truth neutrino energy
m vector<float> Truth neutrino mass
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Parents of truth neutrinos (e.g. W bosons)
pdgId vector<int> Truth neutrino PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Production vertex for truth neutrinos
px vector<float> Truth neutrino x-momentum
py vector<float> Truth neutrino y-momentum
pz vector<float> Truth neutrino z-momentum
status vector<int> Truth neutrino status
TruthPhotons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth photon unique identifier
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth photon to truth children
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth photon to decay vertex
e vector<float> Truth photon energy
etcone20 vector<float> Truth isolation (cone radius 0.2)
etcone40 vector<float> Truth isolation (cone radius 0.4)
m vector<float> Truth photon mass (0)
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth photon to truth parents
pdgId vector<int> Truth photon PDG identification (22)
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth photon to production vertex
ptcone20 vector<float> Truth track isolation (cone radius 0.2)
px vector<float> Truth photon momentum
py vector<float> Truth photon momentum
pz vector<float> Truth photon momentum
status vector<int> Truth photon status (1, stable)
TruthPrimaryVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
t vector<float> True primary vertex time
x vector<float> True primary vertex x-position
y vector<float> True primary vertex y-position
z vector<float> True primary vertex z-position
TruthTaus [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> True tau barcode (unique identifier)
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth tau to truth children
Classification vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
Classification vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Truth Particle Classifier Output
DecayModeVector vector<vector<int> > Truth decay mode of the tau
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth tau to decay vertex
dressedPhoton vector<char> Decoration from photon dressing
e vector<float> Truth tau kinematics
eta_invis vector<double> Invisible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
eta_vis vector<double> Visible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
eta_vis_dressed vector<float> Visible decay products of truth taus: "dressed" version of kinematics
eta_vis_neutral vector<double> Neutral decay products of truth taus: kinematics
IsHadronicTau vector<char> Flag (decoration) to check if the tau decays hadronically
m vector<float> Truth tau kinematics
m_invis vector<double> Invisible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
m_vis vector<double> Visible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
m_vis_dressed vector<float> Visible decay products of truth taus: "dressed" version of kinematics
m_vis_neutral vector<double> Neutral decay products of truth taus: kinematics
nPhotons_dressed vector<int> Number of truth photons dressed on the tau
numCharged vector<unsigned long> Number of charged constituents
numChargedPion vector<unsigned long> Number of charged pions
numNeutral vector<unsigned long> Number of neutral constituents
numNeutralPion vector<unsigned long> Number of neutral pions
originalTruthParticle vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > Link from truth tau to identified "original" particle
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Link from truth tau to truth parents
pdgId vector<int> PDG identification of truth taus
phi_invis vector<double> Invisible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
phi_vis vector<double> Visible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
phi_vis_dressed vector<float> Visible decay products of truth taus: "dressed" version of kinematics
phi_vis_neutral vector<double> Neutral decay products of truth taus: kinematics
polarizationPhi vector<float> Truth tau polarization variable
polarizationTheta vector<float> Truth tau polarization variable
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Link from truth tau to production vertex
pt_invis vector<double> Invisible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
pt_vis vector<double> Visible decay products of truth taus: kinematics
pt_vis_dressed vector<float> Visible decay products of truth taus: "dressed" version of kinematics
pt_vis_neutral vector<double> Neutral decay products of truth taus: kinematics
px vector<float> Truth tau kinematics
py vector<float> Truth tau kinematics
pz vector<float> Truth tau kinematics
status vector<int> True tau status (decayed, etc) from generator
unusedPhotonDecoration vector<char> Name of the decoration for photons that were used in dressing ("unused” means no photons used in the dressing procedure)
TruthTop [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Top quark barcode (unique identifier)
childLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Children of truth top quarks
Classification vector<unsigned int> Classification of t-quark based on new MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier)
classifierParticleOrigin vector<unsigned int> Classification of t-quark origin from MCTC
classifierParticleOutCome vector<unsigned int> Classification of t-quark outcome from MCTC
classifierParticleType vector<unsigned int> Classification of t-quark type from MCTC
decayVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth top decay vertex
e vector<float> Top quark (W/Z/h) energy
m vector<float> Top quark (W/Z/h) mass
parentLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Parents of truth top quarks
pdgId vector<int> Top quark PDG identification
prodVtxLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > Truth top production vertex
px vector<float> Top quark (W/Z/h) x-momentum
py vector<float> Top quark (W/Z/h) y-momentum
pz vector<float> Top quark (W/Z/h) z-momentum
status vector<int> Top quark status