Variable Name | Type | Description |
Summary | vector<string> | Labels that describe calorimeter regions or layers (e.g., ALL, EMCal, FCAL0, FCAL1, FCAL2, FCal, HCal). |
area | vector<float> | Geometric area associated to a region of the calorimeter. |
et | vector<float> | Transverse energy in a region of the calorimeter. |
etCos | vector<vector<float> > | The cosine components of the Fourier expansion of the transverse energy distribution for different harmonic orders in a particular region of the calorimeter. |
etSin | vector<vector<float> > | The sine components of the Fourier expansion of the transverse energy distribution for different harmonic orders in a particular region of the calorimeter. |
etaMax | vector<float> | Maximum pseudorapidity in a region of the calorimeter. |
etaMin | vector<float> | Minimum pseudorapidity in a region of the calorimeter. |
layer | vector<int> | Integers representing the calorimeter layer or sampling associated with a region of the calorimeter. |
nCells | vector<int> | Number of calorimeter cells contributing to an especific region of the calorimeter. |
rho | vector<float> | Energy density of a region in the calorimeter. |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
chiSquared | vector<float> | Combined muon track: chi square of fit |
d0 | vector<float> | Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
definingParametersCovMatrix | vector<vector<float> > | Combined muon track: covariance matrix of track fit |
numberDoF | vector<float> | Combined muon track: number of degrees of freedom of fit |
numberOfPixelDeadSensors | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of Pixel dead sensors on the track |
numberOfPixelHits | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of Pixel hits |
numberOfPixelHoles | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of Pixel holes |
numberOfSCTDeadSensors | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of SCT dead sensors on the track |
numberOfSCTHits | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of SCT hits |
numberOfSCTHoles | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of SCT holes |
numberOfTRTHits | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of TRT hits |
numberOfTRTOutliers | vector<unsigned char> | Combined muon track: number of TRT outliers |
phi | vector<float> | Combined muon track kinematics |
qOverP | vector<float> | Combined muon track kinematic (charge divided by momentum) |
theta | vector<float> | Combined muon track kinematics |
truthOrigin | vector<int> | Truth origin associated with Combined muon track |
truthType | vector<int> | Truth type associated with Combined muon track |
vz | vector<float> | The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis |
z0 | vector<float> | Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
CentralityMax | float | The upper bound of the centrality class for the event |
CentralityMin | float | The lower bound of the centrality class for the event |
FCalEtA | float | Total transverse energy deposited in the A-side of the Forward Calorimeter |
FCalEtA_Q2x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the A-side of the FCal (more information here) |
FCalEtA_Q2y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q3x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q3y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q4x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q4y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q5x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q5y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q6x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtA_Q6y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the A-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC | float | Total transverse energy deposited in the C-side of the Forward Calorimeter |
FCalEtC_Q2x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the C-side of the FCal (more information here) |
FCalEtC_Q2y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q3x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q3y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q4x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q4y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q5x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q5y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q6x | float | Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the C-side of the FCal |
FCalEtC_Q6y | float | Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the C-side of the FCal |
HalfFCalEtA | float | Total transverse energy in the half-FCal (|eta|>4.0) A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q2x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal A-side (more information here) |
HalfFCalEtA_Q2y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q3x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q3y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q4x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q4y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q5x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q5y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q6x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtA_Q6y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal A-side |
HalfFCalEtC | float | Total transverse energy in the half-FCal (|eta|>4.0) C-side. |
HalfFCalEtC_Q2x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal C-side (more information here) |
HalfFCalEtC_Q2y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q3x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q3y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q4x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q4y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q5x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q5y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q6x | float | Flow vector real component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal C-side |
HalfFCalEtC_Q6y | float | Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal C-side |
actualInteractionsPerCrossing | float | Actual pileup mu (per BCID (Bunch Crosssing Identification)) |
averageInteractionsPerCrossing | float | Average pileup mu (average over BCIDs in the LB) |
backgroundFlags | unsigned int | Flags for various non-collision backgrounds |
bcid | unsigned int | Bunch crossing unique identifier |
beamPosSigmaX | float | Beam spot width in x |
beamPosSigmaXY | float | Beam spot width in xy |
beamPosSigmaY | float | Beam spot width in y |
beamPosSigmaZ | float | Beam spot width in z |
beamPosX | float | Beam spot position in x |
beamPosY | float | Beam spot position in y |
beamPosZ | float | Beam spot position in z |
beamStatus | unsigned int | Beam status (for data, e.g. stable beams) |
beamTiltXZ | float | Beam spot tilt (rotation) in xz plane |
beamTiltYZ | float | Beam spot tilt (rotation) in yz plane |
coreFlags | unsigned int | "Core" flags for e.g. data corruption |
detDescrTags | vector<pair<string,string> > | Detector description (i.e. geometry version) |
detectorMask0 | unsigned int | Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event |
detectorMask1 | unsigned int | Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event |
detectorMask2 | unsigned int | Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event |
detectorMask3 | unsigned int | Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event |
eventNumber | unsigned long long | Event number |
eventTypeBitmask | unsigned int | Type of event (Monte Carlo, data, etc) as bitmask |
extendedLevel1ID | unsigned int | Level 1 (hardware) trigger identifier |
forwardDetFlags | unsigned int | Flags for forward detectors status |
larFlags | unsigned int | Flags for LAr calorimeter detector status |
level1TriggerType | unsigned short | A value that indicates the type of the Level 1 (L1) trigger for the event |
lumiBlock | vector<char> | Lumiblock number |
lumiFlags | unsigned int | Flags for luminosity determination |
mcChannelNumber | unsigned int | Monte Carlo DSID (channel number) |
mcEventNumber | unsigned long long | Monte Carlo simulation event number |
mcEventWeights | vector<float> | Generator event weight nominal and variations |
muonFlags | unsigned int | Flags for Muon system detector status |
pixelFlags | unsigned int | Flags for Pixel detector status |
runNumber | unsigned int | Run number |
sctFlags | unsigned int | Flags for SCT detector status |
statusElement | unsigned int | Error or status codes. A non-zero value indicates that the event fragment is corrupted or has an issue, such as being truncated |
streamTagDets | vector<set<unsigned int> > | A vector of detector-specific stream tags |
streamTagNames | vector<string> | Names of the stream tags for this event |
streamTagObeysLumiblock | vector<char> | Whether the streams this event is assigned to obey normal lumiblock boundary rules |
streamTagRobs | vector<set<unsigned int> > | Read-out buffers associated with this stream tag |
streamTagTypes | vector<string> | Type of the stream tags for this event |
tileFlags | unsigned int | Flags for Tile calorimeter detector status |
timeStamp | unsigned int | Time stamp in ns |
timeStampNSOffset | unsigned int | Offset for timestamp (in case time stamp becomes very large) |
trtFlags | unsigned int | Flags for TRT detector status |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
d0 | vector<float> | Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
definingParametersCovMatrix | vector<vector<float> > | Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix of track fit |
phi | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics |
qOverP | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics (charge divided by momentum) |
theta | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics |
truthOrigin | vector<int> | Truth origin associated with Extrapolated muon track |
truthType | vector<int> | Truth type associated with Extrapolated muon track |
vz | vector<float> | The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis |
z0 | vector<float> | Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
HITight | vector<char> | Indicates if a track passes the tight track selection in the inner detector, with 1 for passing and 0 for failing |
d0 | vector<float> | Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
phi | vector<float> | Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot |
qOverP | vector<float> | Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot |
theta | vector<float> | Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot |
truthParticleLink | Int_t InDetTrackParticlesAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ | Link from Inner Detector track to corresponding truth particle |
vertexLink | Int_t InDetTrackParticlesAuxDyn.vertexLink_ | Link from Inner Detector track to associated vertex |
vz | vector<float> | The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis |
z0 | vector<float> | Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
EnergyLoss | vector<float> | Energy loss in calorimeters |
InnerDetectorPt | vector<float> | pT of Inner Detector track |
MuonSpectrometerPt | vector<float> | pT of Muon Spectrometer track |
allAuthors | vector<unsigned short> | Bitmask of algorithm authors of muon |
author | vector<unsigned short> | Primary algorithm author of muon |
charge | vector<float> | Charge of muon |
combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits | vector<unsigned char> | Quality of muon |
combinedTrackParticleLink | vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > | Link from muon to corresponding combined Inner Detector+Muon Spectrometer track |
cscUnspoiledEtaHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of unspoiled CSC hits in the eta plane |
energyLossType | vector<unsigned char> | Type of energy loss (measured, parametric,...) |
eta | vector<float> | Muon kinematics |
extendedLargeHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors |
extendedSmallHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors |
extendedSmallHoles | vector<unsigned char> | Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors |
extrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink | vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > | Link from muon to corresponding extrapolated Muon Spectrometer track |
inDetTrackParticleLink | vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > | Link from muon to corresponding Inner Detector track |
innerLargeHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors |
innerSmallHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors |
isSmallGoodSectors | vector<unsigned char> | Quality of muon |
middleLargeHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors |
middleSmallHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors |
momentumBalanceSignificance | vector<float> | Quality of muon: significance of Inner Detector-Muon Spectrometer imbalance |
muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink | Int_t MuonsAuxDyn.muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink_ | Link from muon to corresponding Muon Spectrometer track |
muonType | vector<unsigned short> | Reconstruction type (combined, standalone,...) |
numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers | vector<unsigned char> | Quality of muon |
numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers | vector<unsigned char> | Number of precision stations holes resulting from muon reconstruction |
numberOfPrecisionLayers | vector<unsigned char> | Number of precision stations used for muon reconstruction |
outerLargeHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors |
outerSmallHits | vector<unsigned char> | Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors |
phi | vector<float> | Muon kinematics |
pt | vector<float> | Muon kinematics |
ptcone20 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.2 cone |
ptcone30 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.3 cone |
ptcone40 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.4 cone |
ptvarcone20 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.2 varcone |
ptvarcone30 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.3 varcone |
ptvarcone40 | vector<float> | Track isolation in 0.4 varcone |
quality | vector<unsigned char> | Output quality of muon selection tool |
scatteringCurvatureSignificance | vector<float> | Quality of muon: normalized integral of the scattering angle significances, corrected for single kinks along the trajectory that diminish the absolute value of the integral significance |
scatteringNeighbourSignificance | vector<float> | Quality of muon: significance of a change in trajectory (kink) along the track |
topoetcone20 | vector<float> | Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.2 |
topoetcone30 | vector<float> | Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.3 |
topoetcone40 | vector<float> | Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.4 |
truthOrigin | vector<int> | Truth info on origin of muon |
truthParticleLink | Int_t MuonsAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ | Link from muon to corresponding truth particle |
truthType | vector<int> | Truth info on type of muon |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
d0 | vector<float> | Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
definingParametersCovMatrix | vector<vector<float> > | Muon Spectrometer track: covariance matrix of track fit |
phi | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track kinematics |
qOverP | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track kinematics |
theta | vector<float> | Muon Spectrometer track kinematics |
truthParticleLink | Int_t MuonSpectrometerTrackParticlesAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ | Link from muon spectrometer to corresponding truth particle |
vertexLink | Int_t MuonSpectrometerTrackParticlesAuxDyn.vertexLink_ | Link from muon spectrometer to corresponding reco vertex |
vz | vector<float> | The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis |
z0 | vector<float> | Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
truthOrigin | vector<int> | Truth info on origin of muon |
truthType | vector<int> | Truth info on type of muon |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
neutralParticleLinks | vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1> > > > | Link from primary vertex to corresponding neutral particles |
trackParticleLinks | vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > | Link from primary vertex to corresponding tracks |
vertexType | vector<short> | Enum defining the type of vertex created in the offline reconstruction |
x | vector<float> | Primary vertex position in x |
y | vector<float> | Primary vertex position in y |
z | vector<float> | Primary vertex position in z |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
ECCENTRICITY | vector<float> | Spatial eccentricity of the collision zone in the transverse plane |
EVENTPLANEANGLE | vector<float> | Angle of the event plane in the transverse plane |
IMPACTPARAMETER | vector<float> | Distance between the centers of the two colliding nuclei in the transverse plane |
NCOLL | vector<int> | Number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions during the event |
NCOLLHARD | vector<int> | Number of "hard" binary nucleon-nucleon collisions in the event |
NNWOUNDEDCOLLISIONS | vector<int> | Number of wounded nucleons that have undergone multiple collisions |
NPARTPROJ | vector<int> | Number of participant nucleons from the projectile in the collision |
NPARTTARG | vector<int> | Number of participant nucleons from the target in the collision |
NWOUNDEDNCOLLISIONS | vector<int> | Number of collisions involving wounded nucleons |
NWOUNDEDNWOUNDEDCOLLISIONS | vector<int> | Number of wounded-to-wounded nucleon collisions, where both colliding nucleons have already interacted at least once |
SIGMAINELNN | vector<float> | Inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section |
SPECTATORNEUTRONS | vector<int> | Number of neutrons that did not participate in the collision and remain as spectators |
SPECTATORPROTONS | vector<int> | Number of protons that did not participate in the collision and remain as spectators |
beamParticle1Link | Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.beamParticle1Link_ | Link to one of the beam particles (incoming particles for the collision) |
beamParticle2Link | Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.beamParticle2Link_ | Link to one of the beam particles (incoming particles for the collision) |
crossSection | vector<float> | Truth event cross section (weight) |
crossSectionError | vector<float> | Uncertainty (error) on the event cross section |
signalProcessVertexLink | Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.signalProcessVertexLink_ | Link to the "signal process" (the hard process / process of interest in the collision) |
truthParticleLinks | vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > | Links to truth particles |
truthVertexLinks | vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > > | Links to truth vertices |
weights | vector<vector<float> > | Event weights |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
barcode | vector<int> | Truth particle barcode (unique identifier) |
e | vector<float> | Truth particle energy |
m | vector<float> | Truth particle mass |
pdgId | vector<int> | Truth boson PDG identification |
px | vector<float> | Truth particle x-momentum |
py | vector<float> | Truth particle y-momentum |
pz | vector<float> | Truth particle z-momentum |