Variables in Minbias-focused Data Format for Heavy Ion Collisions

List of Containers:
CaloSums [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
Summary vector<string> Labels that describe calorimeter regions or layers (e.g., ALL, EMCal, FCAL0, FCAL1, FCAL2, FCal, HCal).
area vector<float> Geometric area associated to a region of the calorimeter.
et vector<float> Transverse energy in a region of the calorimeter.
etCos vector<vector<float> > The cosine components of the Fourier expansion of the transverse energy distribution for different harmonic orders in a particular region of the calorimeter.
etSin vector<vector<float> > The sine components of the Fourier expansion of the transverse energy distribution for different harmonic orders in a particular region of the calorimeter.
etaMax vector<float> Maximum pseudorapidity in a region of the calorimeter.
etaMin vector<float> Minimum pseudorapidity in a region of the calorimeter.
layer vector<int> Integers representing the calorimeter layer or sampling associated with a region of the calorimeter.
nCells vector<int> Number of calorimeter cells contributing to an especific region of the calorimeter.
rho vector<float> Energy density of a region in the calorimeter.
CombinedMuonTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
chiSquared vector<float> Combined muon track: chi square of fit
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrix vector<vector<float> > Combined muon track: covariance matrix of track fit
numberDoF vector<float> Combined muon track: number of degrees of freedom of fit
numberOfPixelDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel dead sensors on the track
numberOfPixelHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel hits
numberOfPixelHoles vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of Pixel holes
numberOfSCTDeadSensors vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT dead sensors on the track
numberOfSCTHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT hits
numberOfSCTHoles vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of SCT holes
numberOfTRTHits vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of TRT hits
numberOfTRTOutliers vector<unsigned char> Combined muon track: number of TRT outliers
phi vector<float> Combined muon track kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Combined muon track kinematic (charge divided by momentum)
theta vector<float> Combined muon track kinematics
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth origin associated with Combined muon track
truthType vector<int> Truth type associated with Combined muon track
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
EventInfo [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
CentralityMax float The upper bound of the centrality class for the event
CentralityMin float The lower bound of the centrality class for the event
FCalEtA float Total transverse energy deposited in the A-side of the Forward Calorimeter
FCalEtA_Q2x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the A-side of the FCal (more information here)
FCalEtA_Q2y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q3x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q3y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q4x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q4y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q5x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q5y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q6x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtA_Q6y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the A-side of the FCal
FCalEtC float Total transverse energy deposited in the C-side of the Forward Calorimeter
FCalEtC_Q2x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the C-side of the FCal (more information here)
FCalEtC_Q2y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=2 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q3x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q3y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=3 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q4x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q4y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=4 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q5x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q5y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=5 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q6x float Real component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the C-side of the FCal
FCalEtC_Q6y float Imaginary component of the flow vector for harmonic n=6 from the C-side of the FCal
HalfFCalEtA float Total transverse energy in the half-FCal (|eta|>4.0) A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q2x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal A-side (more information here)
HalfFCalEtA_Q2y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q3x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q3y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q4x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q4y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q5x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q5y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q6x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtA_Q6y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal A-side
HalfFCalEtC float Total transverse energy in the half-FCal (|eta|>4.0) C-side.
HalfFCalEtC_Q2x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal C-side (more information here)
HalfFCalEtC_Q2y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=2 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q3x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q3y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=3 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q4x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q4y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=4 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q5x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q5y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=5 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q6x float Flow vector real component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal C-side
HalfFCalEtC_Q6y float Flow vector imaginary component for harmonic n=6 in the half-FCal C-side
actualInteractionsPerCrossing float Actual pileup mu (per BCID (Bunch Crosssing Identification))
averageInteractionsPerCrossing float Average pileup mu (average over BCIDs in the LB)
backgroundFlags unsigned int Flags for various non-collision backgrounds
bcid unsigned int Bunch crossing unique identifier
beamPosSigmaX float Beam spot width in x
beamPosSigmaXY float Beam spot width in xy
beamPosSigmaY float Beam spot width in y
beamPosSigmaZ float Beam spot width in z
beamPosX float Beam spot position in x
beamPosY float Beam spot position in y
beamPosZ float Beam spot position in z
beamStatus unsigned int Beam status (for data, e.g. stable beams)
beamTiltXZ float Beam spot tilt (rotation) in xz plane
beamTiltYZ float Beam spot tilt (rotation) in yz plane
coreFlags unsigned int "Core" flags for e.g. data corruption
detDescrTags vector<pair<string,string> > Detector description (i.e. geometry version)
detectorMask0 unsigned int Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event
detectorMask1 unsigned int Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event
detectorMask2 unsigned int Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event
detectorMask3 unsigned int Bitmasks indicating which parts of the detector are active during the event
eventNumber unsigned long long Event number
eventTypeBitmask unsigned int Type of event (Monte Carlo, data, etc) as bitmask
extendedLevel1ID unsigned int Level 1 (hardware) trigger identifier
forwardDetFlags unsigned int Flags for forward detectors status
larFlags unsigned int Flags for LAr calorimeter detector status
level1TriggerType unsigned short A value that indicates the type of the Level 1 (L1) trigger for the event
lumiBlock vector<char> Lumiblock number
lumiFlags unsigned int Flags for luminosity determination
mcChannelNumber unsigned int Monte Carlo DSID (channel number)
mcEventNumber unsigned long long Monte Carlo simulation event number
mcEventWeights vector<float> Generator event weight nominal and variations
muonFlags unsigned int Flags for Muon system detector status
pixelFlags unsigned int Flags for Pixel detector status
runNumber unsigned int Run number
sctFlags unsigned int Flags for SCT detector status
statusElement unsigned int Error or status codes. A non-zero value indicates that the event fragment is corrupted or has an issue, such as being truncated
streamTagDets vector<set<unsigned int> > A vector of detector-specific stream tags
streamTagNames vector<string> Names of the stream tags for this event
streamTagObeysLumiblock vector<char> Whether the streams this event is assigned to obey normal lumiblock boundary rules
streamTagRobs vector<set<unsigned int> > Read-out buffers associated with this stream tag
streamTagTypes vector<string> Type of the stream tags for this event
tileFlags unsigned int Flags for Tile calorimeter detector status
timeStamp unsigned int Time stamp in ns
timeStampNSOffset unsigned int Offset for timestamp (in case time stamp becomes very large)
trtFlags unsigned int Flags for TRT detector status
ExtrapolatedMuonTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrix vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix of track fit
phi vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics (charge divided by momentum)
theta vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth origin associated with Extrapolated muon track
truthType vector<int> Truth type associated with Extrapolated muon track
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
InDetTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
HITight vector<char> Indicates if a track passes the tight track selection in the inner detector, with 1 for passing and 0 for failing
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
phi vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
qOverP vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
theta vector<float> Track kinematics in perigee representation of parameters, defined wrt beamspot
truthParticleLink Int_t InDetTrackParticlesAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ Link from Inner Detector track to corresponding truth particle
vertexLink Int_t InDetTrackParticlesAuxDyn.vertexLink_ Link from Inner Detector track to associated vertex
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
Muons [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
EnergyLoss vector<float> Energy loss in calorimeters
InnerDetectorPt vector<float> pT of Inner Detector track
MuonSpectrometerPt vector<float> pT of Muon Spectrometer track
allAuthors vector<unsigned short> Bitmask of algorithm authors of muon
author vector<unsigned short> Primary algorithm author of muon
charge vector<float> Charge of muon
combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
combinedTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding combined Inner Detector+Muon Spectrometer track
cscUnspoiledEtaHits vector<unsigned char> Number of unspoiled CSC hits in the eta plane
energyLossType vector<unsigned char> Type of energy loss (measured, parametric,...)
eta vector<float> Muon kinematics
extendedLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
extendedSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
extendedSmallHoles vector<unsigned char> Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
extrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding extrapolated Muon Spectrometer track
inDetTrackParticleLink vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > Link from muon to corresponding Inner Detector track
innerLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
innerSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
isSmallGoodSectors vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
middleLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
middleSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
momentumBalanceSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: significance of Inner Detector-Muon Spectrometer imbalance
muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink Int_t MuonsAuxDyn.muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink_ Link from muon to corresponding Muon Spectrometer track
muonType vector<unsigned short> Reconstruction type (combined, standalone,...)
numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers vector<unsigned char> Quality of muon
numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers vector<unsigned char> Number of precision stations holes resulting from muon reconstruction
numberOfPrecisionLayers vector<unsigned char> Number of precision stations used for muon reconstruction
outerLargeHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
outerSmallHits vector<unsigned char> Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
phi vector<float> Muon kinematics
pt vector<float> Muon kinematics
ptcone20 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.2 cone
ptcone30 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.3 cone
ptcone40 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.4 cone
ptvarcone20 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.2 varcone
ptvarcone30 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.3 varcone
ptvarcone40 vector<float> Track isolation in 0.4 varcone
quality vector<unsigned char> Output quality of muon selection tool
scatteringCurvatureSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: normalized integral of the scattering angle significances, corrected for single kinks along the trajectory that diminish the absolute value of the integral significance
scatteringNeighbourSignificance vector<float> Quality of muon: significance of a change in trajectory (kink) along the track
topoetcone20 vector<float> Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.2
topoetcone30 vector<float> Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.3
topoetcone40 vector<float> Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.4
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth info on origin of muon
truthParticleLink Int_t MuonsAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
truthType vector<int> Truth info on type of muon
MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
d0 vector<float> Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane
definingParametersCovMatrix vector<vector<float> > Muon Spectrometer track: covariance matrix of track fit
phi vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
qOverP vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
theta vector<float> Muon Spectrometer track kinematics
truthParticleLink Int_t MuonSpectrometerTrackParticlesAuxDyn.truthParticleLink_ Link from muon spectrometer to corresponding truth particle
vertexLink Int_t MuonSpectrometerTrackParticlesAuxDyn.vertexLink_ Link from muon spectrometer to corresponding reco vertex
vz vector<float> The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis
z0 vector<float> Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane
MuonTruthParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
truthOrigin vector<int> Truth info on origin of muon
truthType vector<int> Truth info on type of muon
PrimaryVertices [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
neutralParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1> > > > Link from primary vertex to corresponding neutral particles
trackParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > > Link from primary vertex to corresponding tracks
vertexType vector<short> Enum defining the type of vertex created in the offline reconstruction
x vector<float> Primary vertex position in x
y vector<float> Primary vertex position in y
z vector<float> Primary vertex position in z
TruthEvents [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
ECCENTRICITY vector<float> Spatial eccentricity of the collision zone in the transverse plane
EVENTPLANEANGLE vector<float> Angle of the event plane in the transverse plane
IMPACTPARAMETER vector<float> Distance between the centers of the two colliding nuclei in the transverse plane
NCOLL vector<int> Number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions during the event
NCOLLHARD vector<int> Number of "hard" binary nucleon-nucleon collisions in the event
NNWOUNDEDCOLLISIONS vector<int> Number of wounded nucleons that have undergone multiple collisions
NPARTPROJ vector<int> Number of participant nucleons from the projectile in the collision
NPARTTARG vector<int> Number of participant nucleons from the target in the collision
NWOUNDEDNCOLLISIONS vector<int> Number of collisions involving wounded nucleons
NWOUNDEDNWOUNDEDCOLLISIONS vector<int> Number of wounded-to-wounded nucleon collisions, where both colliding nucleons have already interacted at least once
SIGMAINELNN vector<float> Inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section
SPECTATORNEUTRONS vector<int> Number of neutrons that did not participate in the collision and remain as spectators
SPECTATORPROTONS vector<int> Number of protons that did not participate in the collision and remain as spectators
beamParticle1Link Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.beamParticle1Link_ Link to one of the beam particles (incoming particles for the collision)
beamParticle2Link Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.beamParticle2Link_ Link to one of the beam particles (incoming particles for the collision)
crossSection vector<float> Truth event cross section (weight)
crossSectionError vector<float> Uncertainty (error) on the event cross section
signalProcessVertexLink Int_t TruthEventsAuxDyn.signalProcessVertexLink_ Link to the "signal process" (the hard process / process of interest in the collision)
truthParticleLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > > > Links to truth particles
truthVertexLinks vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > > > Links to truth vertices
weights vector<vector<float> > Event weights
TruthParticles [back to top]
Variable Name Type Description
barcode vector<int> Truth particle barcode (unique identifier)
e vector<float> Truth particle energy
m vector<float> Truth particle mass
pdgId vector<int> Truth boson PDG identification
px vector<float> Truth particle x-momentum
py vector<float> Truth particle y-momentum
pz vector<float> Truth particle z-momentum